Weather in Uruguay

Lots of sunshine, but not too hot!

Uruguay has a humid subtropical climate, with at least some precipitation in all seasons. Winters are cool and summers are warm. In the coldest month of the year (July) the average minimum temperature in Montevideo is around 45ºF (7 °C).

In the hottest month (January) the average maximum temperature is 82ºF (28 °C). It never snows in Uruguay, and frost in the winter months is extremely rare. Rainfall is fairly evenly spread throughout the year. The average annual rainfall in Montevideo is 1000 mm.

Climate statistics

Day time temperature

82 °F

28 °C

82 °F

28 °C

79 °F

26 °C

72 °F

22 °C

66 °F

19 °C

61 °F

16 °C

59 °F

15 °C

61 °F

16 °C

64 °F

18 °C

68 °F

20 °C

77 °F

25 °C

81 °F

27 °C

Night time temperature

62 °F

17 °C

62 °F

17 °C

59 °F

15 °C

54 °F

12 °C

50 °F

10 °C

46 °F

8 °C

45 °F

7 °C

45 °F

7 °C

48 °F

9 °C

52 °F

11 °C

57 °F

14 °C

43 °F

6 °C

Hours of sun/day111098765557810
Days of rain/month655665676667
Water temperature

70 °F

21 °C

72 °F

22 °C

70 °F

21 °C

66 °F

19 °C

59 °F

15 °C

55 °F

13 °C

54 °F

12 °C

52 °F

11 °C

54 °F

12 °C

59 °F

15 °C

64 °F

18 °C

48 °F

19 °C

Current weather in Uruguay

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